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Green Bags Grow Green Shoots

For many Irish food producers and growers their aim is to produce food in the most sustainable way possible. To produce nutritious, tasty food while nurturing the natural environment and the local community.

As populations grow, the need for food also grows. This puts pressure on limited natural resources such as soil and water. So it’s essential that food is produced in a way that protects these natural resources rather than depleting them. The food and agriculture industries also have a responsibility to minimise greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

These are huge challenges. But, for Ireland, they present a great opportunity. Agriculture and food production in Ireland are central to who we are. The health of our soil is a key component for the efficient production of food in an environmental and sustainable manner.

Each year 300,000 tonnes of food in Ireland enters the waste management system. If treated correctly, this material can be utilised as a valuable nutrient resource, as well as protecting soil health. EU Directives stipulate that all member states must divert increasing quantities of untreated organic wastes from landfill, to reduce the production of greenhouse gases. Composting has been shown to be one of the most cost effective treatment measures available.

But of course the compost produced from food waste doesn’t just benefit Irish farms and food producers. It’s also used extensively in landscaping such as golf courses and parks and in gardens and allotments all over the country.

So your humble green BioBag, made from plant starch and filled with your home’s potato peelings goes full circle, returns to the earth as compost and in time, returns to your home or your neighbourhood as food, or plants or amenities.

That’s the essence of the circular economy.

The last day for shipping before we close for 2 weeks annual leave is Monday 8 July. Please order before 10am to ensure delivery. Thank you for your business. Dismiss