Don’t Put Your Grounds in Plastic. BioBag Coffee Machine Liners Launched in 2020.


NEW! Another BioBag sustainable solution. (Published 3 February 2020)

You buy your coffee in a Reusable Cup. But are the coffee grounds from your daily caffeine fix going into plastic bags? That kind of defeats the purpose we think.

Now launched for Spring 2020, we’re delighted to introduce BioBag coffee machine ‘knock tube’ liners. The only 100% compostable liners for commercial coffee machines used by the catering and hospitality industries. The BioBag liner containg used coffee grounds can go straight into organic waste bins for composting. Helping businesses to significantly reduce waste and reduce their carbon footprint.

Why not let your favorite barista, local coffee shop or café chain know about BioBag compostable knock tube liners?

For all the details please contact Rory on:

086 77 00213 or